Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Race...

The race between the Democrats and the Republicans to replace retiring state Rep. Mike Krusee who has served Texas House District 52 for 16 years is heating up. The main Democratic candidate, Diana Maldonado, is excited for the challenge of winning this election after a decade of Republican domination. The Republican candidate, Brain Daniel, however, is not worried and counts in the traditional 2-to-1 advantage in straight-ticket voters in Williamson County.

It is unlikely that Democrats can win a majority in the Texas House of Representatives without a victory in District 52. However, a Republican defeat — even if the GOP retains control the House — would indicate serious erosion of a once-reliable conservative base.

The candidates opinions on what the main issue in Texas is differ. Maldonado thinks the Republican leaders have been "starving public education" and thinks the election should focus on education as the main topic. Daniel disagrees and states that property taxes is the prime issue that needs to be dealt with.

This article is important to read and understand because depending on which candidate wins this election and which party takes control, policies will be changed and our lives will be affected.

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