Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Conservative Abortion

This is my response to this article posted on the Lone Star Government Blog that dealt with the Texas government's view on abortion and gay rights, and especially new abortion requirements.

The point about the Texas government being very conservative when it comes to abortions and gay rights is true, but isn't it wrong to say that is a bad thing just because they are trying to uphold moral standards?

Minor teens should be required to inform their parents if they are pregnant and they should make the decision on how to handle the situation together. The parents should have at least 50% of say in the matter because most likely their minor is not ready to take on the responsibilities of a child, and the parents will be the ones having to take care of it, even if they are not “legally” required to. (Maybe if teens were required to tell their parents that they were having sex at 14, 15, and 16 years of age there would be less teen pregnancies and even less abortions.)

"With the ability to conceive a child, we should also have the ability to make our own decisions, to better our lives and make the best decision for the child." Just because you have the ability to conceive a child, doesn't mean you have the ability to know what is best for that child at 16 years old.

(You had very strong opinionated points but they would be stronger if they were backed up with more statistics. Also, throw in an article or two that says the same thing you do in your blog to prove your points even more.)

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