Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Green Again

The 21st century is not the first century to be concerned about our deteriorating environment but it is definitely the one that is taking it more seriously. We are finally at the point that our generation will be affected by it. Gas will eventually run dry, the air will be clogged with fumes and gases, and the remaining trees will stand lonely without their brothers beside them. Unless we take action now.

That action starts with the government. This blog is being written to praise the Texas government leadership and especially the City of Austin local government and their efforts to make Austin a "greener" place.

One of the programs designed to help Austin is The Green City Initiative. It is a partnership between the City of Austin and the community, with the goal of preserving and protecting Austin's environment. It has many city programs that contribute to the separate parts of the environment including clean air, land development and conservation, healthy drinking water, energy efficiency, and many more.

The City of Austin has also instated the Green Neighbor program. I've witnessed the progress of this program with my own eyes because a neighborhood connected to mine has become a "Green Neighborhood." The City of Austin’s Green Neighbor program has expanded to even more neighborhoods to provide Austinites with a comprehensive guide to environmental protection.

Overall, the local government in Austin has succeeded in making Austin a cleaner, greener place. The redevelopment of the downtown area has made the walk to restaurants, work, groceries, and shops a convenience. Also, downtown buildings are generally green and highly energy efficient. City Hall is a prime example because it has received the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification, becoming only the second City-owned building in Austin to receive this designation. This start has helped Austin become “green” and hopefully the local government can keep the programs, and the city, healthy.

1 comment:

B Paxton Tex Gov 2306 Blog 1 said...

Lone Star Gov, I agree with you on the fact that you are all for a cleaner greener environment but I believe that it does not have to start with the government to help get our world cleaner and greener. I believe it can start with people just like you and I and the rest of our classmates. Just regular people we dont need any help from the governemnt to get started. People can start to try and find an alternative method to driving to get somewhere by taking a bike, skateboard, public transportation, carpool, anything to cut down on your own personal driving. People can also start recycling a lot more. The amount of sodas, beers, bottled water people drink in a day if everyone recycled those items everytime they drank them that would be a good start compared to people still just throwing them in the garbage. And people can also become informed on just how much you can recycle these days and start to apply the new information into action.